Pressed Metal Toys for Boys from 1930 Catalogue

Triple Motor Airplanes
20-Gauge Auto Body Steel
PROVED CARRYING STRENGTH 200 POUNDS. An exact miniature! Very latest Cabin design with windows. Passenger space and pilot's cockpit. Glossy baked-on enamel. Three propellers revolve—just pull it along and hear the motors hum! We Pay Postage.
Large Tri-Motor Plane
28 inches lung with 24-in. wing spread by 9 1/2 inches high. Steel wheels—rubber tires. 448 G 1213 $2.69
Small Tri-Motor Plane
20 inches long with 18 in. wing spread by 6 1/4 inches high. Steel wheels. 48 G 1232...$1.00
Dump Truck 19-Gauge Steel Will Hold 200 Pounds
20 1/2-Inch Dump Truck of auto body steel. A tremendous valuel A good action toy for creative minds! Baked-on enamel in vivid blue with red trim and bright stripings of gold. Turn crank at side to dump bed. The 3 1/2-in. wheels have rubber tires molded on steel base—cannot pull out. Size 20 1/2 by 7 by 8 1/4 inches high. 448 G 1 221—We Pay Postage.............. $1.89
20-Gauge Steel Airplanes
SO STRONG—a man can easily sit on this large Airplane and coast down hill! Lines of a real plane. Very latest Cabin design with windows. High gloss finish. This toy with revolving propeller and motor-hum is sure to please. Motor hums as it is pulled along the floor.
Large Steel Airplane
28 inches long with 24-in. wing spread by 10 inches high. Steel wheels—rubber tires. 448 G 1217— Postpaid . .$1.95
Small Steel Airplane
22 inches long with 20-in. wing spread by 7 1/4 inches high. Steel 48 G 1 229—Postpaid...$1.22
White Dump Truck $4.39 Our Finest 20-Gauge Steel
Extra strong, made of automobile steel with reinforced chassis. Will hold 300 pounds. Miniature of a real White Auto Truck. in fact this toy was supervised by the White Auto Truck Company themselves. It's the finest reproduction we have ever seen. Steering wheel in cab turns front wheels. 4-inch steel disc wheels have detachable rubber Urea with bead tread. Positive worm gear slow action dump raises just like big trucks. Enameled black with red wheels and frame- End gate in back of bed opens and lowers with chain. Truck size: 26 by 8 1/4 by 10 1/2 inches high to top of cab. Size of Dumping Bed: 15 by 8 1/4 by 2 1/4 in. deep.
We Pay Postage ................................. $4.39
"Structo" Steam Shovel
24-Gauge Steel
Digs dirt like a real steam shovel. Place cab in any position on turntable. Turn crank—chain on wood drum raises and lowers bucket and automatic trip drops the load. Riveted together. Size 16 1/4 by 5 3/4 by 13 in. high.
48 G 1219— Postpaid.......$1.00
Police Patrol 24-Gauge Steel
Clangety CLANG! Just like a real Patrol. Large Packard type hood; well designed body with inside seats. Rear step and hand rails. No sharp edges. Enameled blue, colorfully trimmed. Brass hub caps. Size 16 1/2 by 5 1/2 by 7 inches in height.
48 G 1236—Postpaid.........$1.00
"Structo" Dump Truck 24-Gauge Steel
Splendidly constructed. Beautifully finished baked-on enamel. Every boy wants at least one Dump Truck. Use it with sand outdoors or with blocks on the floor. Pulling lever throws dump. Size 18 by 5 3/4 by 6 inches in height. Bed is 6 by 9 1/4 in. Smooth—no rough edges.
48 G 1230—Postpaid......$1.00
Zeppelin 28-Gauge Steel Supports 100 LBs.
Over 2 Feet Long. Plenty of thrill and satisfaction in owning this toy! It is so impressive it will appeal to any child. Shaped to correct proportions. Strong enough for a small boy to ride— it will support 100 lbs. Modeled after the Graf Zeppelin, with passenger gondola beneath. Supported on three wheels. Size 26 by 6 by 7 inches high. Aluminum finish with red, white and blue trim. Two propellers on front gondola revolve making a noise like a motor when Zeppelin is pulled along the floor. We Pay Postage
448 G l224.......................................$l.39
Big, Strong Locomotive 24-Gauge Steel
A boy's favorite toy is a Locomotive! Durably enameled in gay colors. Piston moves when pulled along floor. Massive boiler, roomy cab and tender. It will be sure to please. . . it's such a well made toy! Size 20 by 5 by 5 1/2 in. high.
48 G 1235— Postpaid ........ $1.00
Fire Hose and Ladder 20-Gauge Steel
Fully equipped with hose reel and 32 inches of rubber hose with nozzle. Two extension hose. Two ladders, side-lights, bumper, bell and chemical tank, step on rear. Enameled bright colors. Size 16 1/2 by 4/2 by 5 1/, in. high.
48 G 1233— Postpaid......... $1.00
Wrecking Car 24-Gauge Steel
Pretend you're a garage man with this strong Service Truck made of heavy sheet steel. No sharp edges. Complete even to the headlights and wrecker crane with windlass and chain. Crane can be taken off to make truck. Enameled. Size 19 1/2 by 6 1/4 in. high to top of cab.
48 G 1237—We Pay Postage. ..$1.00
SOURCE: This advertisement for boys pressed metal toys is from the toy section of the 1930 Montgomery Ward catalog
Things to Make
A 1920's book by Archibald Williams that describes how to make popular home-made toys of the period.