Advertisement for EffanBee Bubbles, Patsy and Lovey Mary Dolls

Here they are, children
The dolls with the golden heart
TAKE your choice of these two adorable dolls. There is Bubbles, the wonder-doll of her generation, just bubbling over with life and laughter. No little girl can cry or look cross with this darling doll in her arms. Bubbles' happy smile keeps you smiling too.
Bubbles was modeled after an adorable real baby. She has rosy cheeks, the sweetest laughing face, beautiful big blue eyes that will go fast asleep, precious little white teeth. And you ought to hear her cry for you!
And Lovey Mary is the prettiest playmate doll, just about your own age. She can walk with you, and even—guess what—learn to dance the Charleston! And how sweetly she closes her lovely blue eyes (with real lashes). Lovey Mary has soft curly hair, and she will call you "Mamma!" She is dressed in fine quality organdie—a dainty little dress, smart Frenchy bonnet, "petties" and bloomers all matching, and in lavender, blue or pink.

Best of all, these dolls won't wear out!
THE most wonderful thing about these dolls is that they won't wear out. That is because they are Effanbee Dolls. You can play and play with them, and they will last until you grow up. Ask Santa please to bring you Bubbles or Lovey Mary, whichever one you prefer.
Bubbles and Lovey Mary come in all sizes. Shown here they arc 19 inches tall and cost $5. At all better- class department and toy stores.
You can tell them, in your favorite department or toy store, by their dear little golden heart necklaces. Every Effanbee Doll wears a golden heart.
A golden heart necklace for every child
Lovey Mary wants every child to have a golden heart necklace, too. If you would like one, mail the coupon and 6c to Lovey Mary Effanbee, 45 Greene St, New York City

There goes that dimpled little finger again - straight into her rosebud mouth! Preciously like a real one year old baby with her twinkling blue eyes, face just puckering into an April smile, and chubby little active hands.
Widely advertised Effanbee Bubbles.
Blue eyes that go to sleep. Open mouth with two little teeth. Composition arms, cotton stuffed body. Dainty white organdie dress trimmed in lace and embroidery. Organdie underskirt and real rubber panties. Almost unbreakable composition head, arms jointed at shoulders, and curved baby legs.
Every doll has EFFanBEE locket and chain and six photographs. The two large sizes have real leather bootees; small sizes imitation white leather booties; white socks.
All have crying voices.
16 inch - $3.89,
17 1/2 inch - $4.79,
20 inch - $6.19,
22 inch - $7.98,
24 inch - $9.45

SOURCE: The Ladies Home Journal - November 1926
Things to Make
A 1920's book by Archibald Williams that describes how to make popular home-made toys of the period.