PREFACE - Decorative Draperies and Upholstery: by Edward Thorne

It was not possible, of course, to embody in a single volume answers to all the various decorative problems propounded. The scope of this book had to be severely limited to a carefully selected number of decorative problems which would at once cover much ground, be practical of execution and easily understood by anyone interested in interior decoration, whether as a non-professional or as a professional decorator, or as a buyer or seller of decorative textiles.
Accordingly, Decorative Draperies & Upholstery offers solutions of familiar problems in decorative draping and upholstering, embodying complete color schemes and including many familiar decorative problems of background and furnishings.
While a certain amount of practical information has been given about drapery construction and workmanship, Decorative Draperies & Upholstery is not a manual of the draper's craft. Such books aplenty already exist but none that extensive research has been able to disclose which offers decorative suggestions in line, form and color, for layman and professional alike, as do the color plates in this book.
Decorative Draperies & Upholstery treats draperies decoratively but practically. The materials employed are taken from current stock patterns and are made to function in the decorative schemes of this book, as elements of color, weave, pattern and weight.
No partiality has been shown towards any particular "style"; many are represented in the color plates. The object has been to draw inspiration from many sources of design, all of which have suggestive value for today's requirements. Nor have the latest interpretations of contemporary style tendencies been neglected.
Every drapery material shown in the color plates has been as faithfully portrayed as the limitations of water colors and the printing arts permit. The decorative schemes shown offer practical solution of everyday problems, for the most part.
A chapter on Theatre Curtains has been included, for the benefit of decorators and drapery departments in dry goods and furniture stores, where there is an increasing demand for special drapery work of this character. The information given in this chapter is intended to be merely introductory for those who desire to equip themselves to perform such work.
New York City
June, 1929