Drapery Materials for House Windows
In early times people found it impossible to have many windows in their homes because each window had to be closely guarded. The safety of the home could therefore best be secured by having as few open- ings as possible. Since we now abide in apparently perfect safety, more and larger windows have come to be the rule. It is said that the average home requires sixty yards of material to decorate its windows.
There are two paramount considerations in regard to windows: first, to allow the light to come in without producing a glare; second, to secure a comfortable degree of privacy. For these reasons glass curtains are desirable in every home.
When one enters a room the windows usually attract attention first, because of the light coming through them and the fact that couches and chairs are generally placed convenient to the light. As they are so important in the decorative scheme, the windows require especial consideration. We should live with the bare windows for a few days, study them from every angle; decide what is needed in light, in line, color and texture; whether the room calls for formal or informal curtains; whether or not draperies are desirable, and if so, what their color should be; lastly, whether the whole effect would be better if the windows had greater height or width.
Cottages, or informal houses, should have the curtains and draperies appear the same from the outside throughout the house. Variation may be made on the inside, but pleasing furnishings should be planned in each room so that going from one room to another will be agreeable and not distracting.
Harmony without sameness should be the desire in home furnishings, especially in a small house where every room is made use of and where informality is the keynote. Rooms opening into each other should be in entire accord. Frequently they are dressed alike, especially when a feeling of spaciousness is desired.
Color, which is usually provided through draperies, adds interest, brightness and inspiration. It is particularly desirable where the furniture is not as attractive in line, texture and coloring as it might be. Color must be discreetly used, however, especially in living rooms and bedrooms, so that one does not become tired of seeing too much of any one color or combination of colors.
There is no question but that color has a decided psychological effect upon people; therefore the wisest plan is to adopt a color or combination of colors which is, as far as is practicable, pleasing to all members of the family.
As a general rule the color of the furniture, particularly of any pieces covered with fabric, and the colors of the rug and walls determine the basic color to be used for the draperies; but even this can be varied by means of interesting combinations of colors or designs so that one is not limited to the monotony of green, or blue, or red, or tan. Furthermore, the spring and fall seasons offer opportunity for a complete change of fabric furnishings which is usually very welcome to all the household.
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